Thursday, April 30, 2015

Latest Workshops

I would like thank those who attended the workshop on Tuesday.  It was a very interesting session and I am adding three of the picture created with encaustic wax.   These images are very interesting and certainly hold ones interest.  Our awareness group is back is back in operation this coming Friday as usual at Woodford ( starts at 7.30 pm and we will be there from 7.15.  Everyone welcome. On Tuesday 5th May we are at Potters Bar at the Golden Eagle, which is at the Clayton Centre, Barnet Road, Potters BarHertfordshire  EN6 2QU.  Starts at 7.30 pm doors open earlier. Entrance is only £4.  Then on Wednesday 6th May at 7.30 we are at Epping with our own group "Visions of Creativity" with a workshop lead by myself "Manifest Your Dreams" Entrance £6 which includes light refreshments and a raffle.  On the 11th May we will be serving another little suitcase church in Woolwich, but more details of that and the special with Barbara Barnes at the Island of Light on the 17th May.   We are also planning a fund raising with readings and an evening of clairvoyance for the Rainbow Healing Sanctuary, which we would like to establish as soon as possible, but we need a building.  Once again I would like to draw your attention to The Helen Duncan Convention" - it is being organised by Dean Buckley in order to help her grand daughter clear her grandmother name (any of you who don't know the story of Helen Duncan please google it). There are many mediums like myself who feel passionate about her name being cleared. If you want to attend of can help in anyway with raffle prizes please contact Dean on 07599 371492.  The address of the convention is the Victory Club, 85 Chellaston Road, DE24 9AF or if you are interested in having a stall contact Sandra Dunne 07954 132805.  I would also like to draw your attention to our "Give a Gnome a Home Campaign" I am knitting these gnomes as a way to help fund the centre to pay for advertisements and any loses incurred.  The cost is from £10 to £25 depending on how elaborate they are so please consider adopting one of these naughty gnomes.

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