Wednesday, February 13, 2019

An Intention Accomplished

We are planning on lots of new workshops so look out for these and don't forget Alan Albiston will be at Epping on the 16th February at 1.30 pm in a new workshop entitled "Working with the Universal Oracle".  Alan is an excellent teacher as well as a nice guy and for anyone who hasn't attended one of his workshops we would be surprised if you didn't want to repeat it when he does another.  Alan tells me it is using everyday signs to help show one the path and how to interpret them.  I understand it will be a mixture of intuition and mediumship.  For those of you who haven't been to Epping the address is the Friends Meeting House, Hemnall Street, Epping  CM16 4LL. . 
We are so fortunate to be able to hire such a lovely locality. 
In March we will be holding an afternoon workshop at Woodford National Spiritualist Church (www,  It will start at 2.30 pm and finish around 5.30 pm.  The first of these is on 12th March and we will be giving more details in the coming weeks.
Well my manifestation announcement on Facebook certainly got a response, but I reiterate on here we are looking to move to a greener area away from urbanisation, which I am sure would improve both mine and Daniel's health. 
We have had to cancel circle this month for various reasons some to do with the weather and other to do with medical appointments. but it turned out to be a bonus as it mention we can fulfil one of our intents.  At long last we were able attend a felting workshop even though it meant a cab to get there. It was certainly worthwhile. It was lovely meeting Marcia  and Mec (a brilliant workshop) from Yarnarama in Greenwich (email: yarnarama@yahoo/com)  It was a very productive workshop as you can see from our first attempts on here.   I will be trying my hand at making a poppet Lucya Starza and if it works one will be coming to you for your collection.  Talking about Lucya do take a look at her blog and the write up about the Bexley Gnomes ( on 9th February.
Meanwhile I am putting out a request to send healing to Alex Camies a member of our closed circle who has had a knee operation and needs to make a speedy recovery, which she will plus Daniel's mum who is yet again in hospital with a chest infections.
 We would also like to congratulate Alan Jem Sleight-Bac and Jem Alan Bac-Sleight on their marriage this week and wish them a long happy life together.   

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