Monday, February 28, 2022

28 worms challenge

Well it’s almost at the end of my 28 day challenge in order to raise money for training dogs for the deaf in fact it’s day 28 and here are all my worms which will be speeding their way to the charity’s head quarters either to be distributed to the volunteers or those that are getting a new pair of ears  with a four legged friend. I will be including a few hearts too. 

Still no decision in regard to when we will do our first workshop, run a circle or take a service. My swollen legs have got worse and I am trying hard to lose weight plus strengthen my ankles.

The world itself seems chaotic such a desperate state conflict and wars looming. We must send lots of positive vibes into the ether and pray for peace. 

We are will intent on moving at least to live on one level as unfortunately my age is starting to catch up a little. Still a bit of exercise and weight loss will help. I do wish our group on Facebook would grow into a world peace movement “Rainbow Healing Sanctuary Hearts for the Love of Peace RAK”  

We are still looking for a nice venue around the Hertfordshire area for our retreat. Once organised it will be a fun filled weekend with lots of learning plus socialising as I know lots of you have connected over the past two years and would like to met up.  If anyone has heard of a nice inexpensive venue around that area let us know and we will book it post haste  

In my next post I will be reviewing a book on Scrying by Lucya Starza, which I highly recommend. All details will be in my next post -meanwhile read Lucya’s blog

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