Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Challenges for the year ahead

So far it seems to have been a very odd week so far.  Nevertheless some things have been accomplished.  We have moved out Progress Development Awareness Group and Closed Circle to 7pm on a Tuesday evening.  After taking a vote it seemed that the majority of the group preferred that time in the Winter months and I reiterate if the snow comes down watch the church website  (www, as the church itself may be closed.  We will text members of the circles individually if we get icy weather as many of you know we travel from the fringes of Kent to run our circles.  Sometimes where we live is like an ice rink and we will not take a chance in that weather, but go to ground.  Equally it is a steep road to the church which can get icy and we would hate anyone to have an accident. The thing I like about our group is the support and encouragement they give each other and last night was no exception.  So well done Tony, Sandra, John, Irene, Steve and Sandra,  We were sorry Carol, Alex, Naomi, Imran and Seema could attend.  We wish both Alex and Carol a speedy recovery we hope Alex's operation doesn't get cancelled next time. We would also like to thank Jo for thee lift back to Woodford Station as its a real nuisance the London side of South Woodford is closed as yours truly can't do the bridge with my vertigo as well as lympoedema. 
 I have also become a follower of Lucya Starza's blog which is crammed with useful information and ideas (http://www.badwitch,  It is well worth reading I have pinched one of Lucya's idea where she has made 10 things she wants to achieve in 2019 and we wish her well in her MA studies.  My intention list of 15 things:-

1.  Clearing the clutter from our home
2.  Go to workshops with new tutors
3.  Visit a new church once a month
4.  Learn to do needle felting
5.  Learn to do arm knitting
5.  Lose weight
6.  Create new creative spiritual workshops
7.  Pay it forward once a week
8.  One day a week for us doing something we both want to do.
9.  Start my Book of Shadows
10. Move home
11. Finding somewhere permanent for the Rainbow Healing Sanctuary
12. Walking at least 20 minutes a day when the weather gets better.
13. Go on the second part of the practitioners course with Daniel Mapel (Ian White next)
14. Get to grips with Amigurumi (possibly go on a course)
15. Learn Ikebana

We are still knitting and crocheting  and we have poppets and naughty Nordic Gnomes at the moment.  Please contact us on or 07927 288904.  We can be booked for workshops, one to ones and serving churches. 



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