Friday, February 8, 2013

New and more News

Our next workshop "Exploring Your Psychic Ability the Easy Way" is on the 23rd February at the Ringway Community Centre at 268 Baring Road and there are still some places left and full details can be seen in our previous post  It can be booked by paypal (see link below). Some of you will be aware of the Spiritual Teachers Group, which was the brain child of Susan Griffith and we have united to facilate a retreat at the Seekers Trust (see Susan's website for details and to book, but it is going to be an interesting weekend with the added attraction of Maggie Jones and Martin Jones's trance evening).  Her website is and Susan can also be reached on 0800 2425007    On March 3rd Barbara Barnes will be having one of her specials at her little church in dockland and there will be an array of excellent mediums on hand to give readings and in our own case there may also be the chance of a guide, helper or relative being drawn.  One like the one on the left, which at this very moment is on it way to New Zealand to a lady who lives on North Island.  This gentleman told me that during his life he rode the seven seas and was a bit of a lad (think he meant pirate), which surprised me with his gentle energies.  I will be giving a few more details tomorrow when I update my other blog  Incidentally Maggie Jones (and is also a member of the Spiritual Teachers Group) also has a trance workshop on the 9th of March at Battersea Spiritualist Church  and anyone interested in readings or workshops she  can be reached at 07722172178.  Another member of the Spiritual Teachers Group Shelley Joseph  has a workshop at Rochester Square Spiritual Temple, Rochester Square, Camden, London NW1 9RY called "Angel Connections"  tomorrow the 9th February although its a bit late notice it will be well worth your effort.  Our next workshop at Woodford Spiritual Church  is a 3 day event held on three separate Sundays and is called "Manifesting Your Dreams Intuitively" and the cost of the three days is £35 which will include a cours book plus light refreshments.  The dates for these are the 21st April, May 12th and June 2nd.  There will be work to be completed in between but it will be fun as are all of our workshops.  Finally for those of you on facebook please join our Rainbow Healing Sanctuary Spiritual Pay It Forward for Valentine's group where the idea is to give something withour the expectation of getting something back and then if you want on Valentine's Day you can just leave the gifts there and whatever you have promised deliver.  On the other hand on the 14th February you can put your name under at least three items that you would really really like to manifest and then if the universe or the person giving them will choose and may they will be your - on the other hand you may well not be that person.  There are lots of lovely things being offered including readings, wands, poems and pictures of guides similiar to the one above.  There is also a wonderful group which you can join started by a lovely lady calld Missy Nelson (Spiritual ~ Pay It Foward) again on Facebook. We can be reached on +447719669656.  Until next time love, light and my the rainbow of peace surround you.