Saturday, December 19, 2020

Tier 4 and to the universe beyond


Well we definitely need to make future plans as we are now restricted even more. So with this in mind I am going to suggest you join me in a couple of ideas to move you forward.  

a) Name three things you have learnt during lockdown. Here are mine. 

1. My problems are minute in comparison to lots of others. 

2. Small things will often cheer people up.

3.. Everyone can feel vulnerable in different ways. 

b) Four things you have gained from lockdown, which probably would haven’t  happened without it.

1. I have discovered different ways of teaching which I would have never have thought of under other’s circumstances. 

2. A singer/song writer who I had never heard of before lockdown and has kept me reasonably sane (Mary Chapin Carpenter).

3. Another singer/comedian/songwriter whose political parodies are hysterical (Dillie Keane)

4. Lots of new workshop which have percolated during this c) 

c) Three things you have lost during lockdown or haven’t got done you feel you should have.

1. A routine

2. A sleep pattern 

3. Motivation (I thought I could have totally decluttered by now instead I have hoarded items (basically as I learnt it’s cheaper to buy in bulk when ordering on line). Plus less exercise. HOW MANY OF YOU CAN RELATE TO THIS.

Next thing thinking ahead. Now I have a list of objectives for 2021. 

1. First and foremost we must move.

2. Start the spiritual sanctuary (we need a physical building). 

3. Declutter in earnest 

4. Get the new courses in some kind of order. 

5. Knit 🧶 more hearts to send out love and peace to the world. 

6. Get a bit more exercise. 

7. Get some sort of routine back. 

There are a few more which I will be adding to the list at a later date. 

Now I would like to hear from those of you who can relate to some of this. 

On a much better note I would like to thank those who have supported us this year and more than that all those who are in our Whats App group and supported one another that is Alan, Alex, Amanda, Alf, Carol, Diana, Federica, Julie, Jules, John, Kim A, Kim L, Paul, Rebecca, Sandra and Tiffany, It’s has been wonderful seeing the group grow and expand in knowledge as well as comradeship. We can go on and support one another while this wretched virus is about and afterward celebrate with a long weekend away on a retreat. It will happen and we will all come out better more loving souls. I am asking  you  all to let pass misdemeanours fade into oblivion send those responsible off in a pink balloon surrounded by love and a vibrant pink. 

Try to have a cosy Christmas or whatever you are or aren’t celebrating. Rainbow  blessings for all. Stay well and SAFE 

Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Things to come

Sorry it’s been so long since I updated our blog, but news is sparse and we have little hope of having a workshop until Spring 2021. I did hear from Christine that there is a possibility of reopening early next depending on government guidelines. Do that is quite encouraging. 
The Whats App group is thriving and we have about 10 people who link in regularly, which is wonderful and we are getting some amazing work done including some spirit. The picture above was done by one of the group on Whats App. We trying a variety of exercises including spirit art. Obviously it not quite the same as a workshop in person, but I do feel things have gone really well. Our Secret Santa has been so well supported and some of the members of the group have been more than generous. It is lovely to feel everyone is supporting everyone else. Especially as it’s so needed at the moment. 
I will be trying to update the blog more regularly and let’s hope 2021 is a better year. 
We are still sending our hearts to cheer people up and they are definitely doing that,  

Now here is something to think about a piece of advice I saw which I the thought I would share with you “If you don’t want problems make your dream so big - your problems become insignificant”
Meanwhile in Mary Chapin Carpenter’s words - “ you know what to do - stay safe, stay well, wear your mask and always STAY MIGHTY”