We really don’t know when we will be able to run workshops again, but by the look of it not in the near future sadly. We have two new workshops in mind into the bargain. What we really need is our own centre which would not only be a spiritual sanctuary, but a place foe lonely people to come together to met people and make friends. We also want a healing sanctuary for both humans and animals. We have so many ideas but no money, sponsor or way of fund raising. If anyone has any ideas regarding such please email me on yourcreativeself@outlook.com
I have continued to make hearts and now worry worms as random acts of kindness in these continual chaotic times. I know from emails I have received they have been found just at the right times. Including one delightful pictures of a waitress holding a heart with a big grin on her face.
On that subject Lora from Crojo Corner came up with a brilliant idea of worry worms for the homeless and I participated. Glad they have arrived as I was getting worried with all the restrictions due to the virus. https://youtu.be/VZ9mLI-MR30
The Whats App group is thriving and it was decided that the group would continue even after so called “Freedom Day”. Unless things change drastically this will continue. In fact for some people it’s been there only way to develop as there is nothing in their area or what is does not appeal to them.
Please all of you keep safe and thank you south gpr supporting our group. Please join us on Facebook with our group “Rainbow Healing Sanctuary hearts for the love of peace. Look out for worry worms or hearts in your locality. We now have a lovely l lady painting wee wooden hearts