Saturday, November 12, 2022

Been too long

I have  been neglecting our blog as basically there has been little spiritual news, but we are determined 2023 will be the year we establish our sanctuary and move north. 

We have however been sending little messages of peace across the world and especially her in the United Kingdom. Making hearts. worry worms, various little critters plus poppies. Lots of people have been helping distribute them so far afield including a care home in Spain (see picture above). We will continue with this peace campaign. 

This pandemic has made it even more evident a sanctuary of this kind is needed. A place which is not only a spiritual teaching centre, but a place where the poor souls on there own can come and make friends or enjoy a quiet place to sit and enjoy Mother Nature benefits. 

It will also include a teaching centre where crafts such as knitting and crocheting can be learnt plus hopefully a small library. 

If anyone has any other ideas which might be beneficial please message me at

Friday, August 5, 2022

Latest News

Well I was hoping to have better news in relation to either a workshop or circle, but not at the moment. My legs are very swollen and this heat is not helping. We understand covid is on the increase again. Especially with the new variants. So we are being cautious as neither Daniel nor I have recovered from the last bout we had.
 We are still doing random acts of kindness by leaving hearts, worry worms and other knitted or crochet items around for people to find. We have had some wonderful messages of thanks from people who were really cheered up by them.
We would also ask you donate to the following charity.our friend Nicholas Samuels did a very successful charity event.
here is the link. 
We are planning hopefully to run some workshops later this year all depends on my new stockings being fitted as the vertigo seems to have got worse and my balance is less than good. Still I have an appointment in late September. 
I promise I will post more regularly in the future, but I’m honesty these really hadn’t been a great deal to tell. Except we are still hoping to move. We need to start the sanctuary.

Friday, May 27, 2022

Scrying plus

I have been waiting to see if I could post some positive news in regard our Whats App Weekend retreats and workshops. Sorry at the moment my legs are restricting our working programmes, but this is getting resolved but by bit. What we really need is someone who would like to belong to a circle plus doing workshops who drives. We would willingly let them come on all our workshops and circles without  charges plus paying towards the cost of fuel which is an horrendous cost. 
Next I would like to review Lucya Starza book on “Scrying” although I hasten to add I recommend all her books. They are in easy to get to grips with both in language and researched throughly. This book on Scrying is no acception. I enjoyed reading it and learnt a great deal. Indeed I would say whether you area complete novice or one of those practice any kind of scrying you will benefit from the knowledge within its pages. 
I hope soon to have better news of our retreat. We are looking for somewhere in Hertfordshire, Buckinghamshire or suggestions. I know already I have asked Alan Albiston, Diana Samuels, Nicholas Samuels and I am hoping Paul Bathgate  will be able to join us in bringing together a special time for all members of the Whats App group which have been working together during the last two years plus. All from varying parts of the country. Plus of course we will be doing workshop 

Thursday, April 28, 2022

It long overdue but in honesty there has not been a great deal of news for us. We both have long term covid and can drop asleep at the drop of a hat. I have the most horrendous cough which I can’t kick.
I got a delightful message from a lady who came to our workshop some while ago and said if changed her life for the better, which had given me some incentive to keep trying to manifest a sanctuary even with my age being slightly against me.  

This week has been full of sadness as we heard of Billy Robert’s funeral. I have a great fondness for Billy as he was the first person to encourage me to give a proper message from spirit. I highly recommend Billy’s books too especially “Shadows of the Future Prophecies for the Millennium” 
Then yesterday we learnt that Francis Stadden to had passed to spirit. We were quite shocked but now at least he is with his beloved. Rest in peace both you lovely people.

We are still carrying on with our peace campaign and sending our worry worms, hearts, key tings etc. we are also distributing boxes to friends who are leaving them all over the place got people to find and we hope it is cheering up those who find them. 

As soon as we get in a position to do workshops and run a circle we will notify everyone. 
Finally in my next post I will be reviewing Lucya Starza book on Scrying which I highly recommend. 

Monday, February 28, 2022

28 worms challenge

Well it’s almost at the end of my 28 day challenge in order to raise money for training dogs for the deaf in fact it’s day 28 and here are all my worms which will be speeding their way to the charity’s head quarters either to be distributed to the volunteers or those that are getting a new pair of ears  with a four legged friend. I will be including a few hearts too. 

Still no decision in regard to when we will do our first workshop, run a circle or take a service. My swollen legs have got worse and I am trying hard to lose weight plus strengthen my ankles.

The world itself seems chaotic such a desperate state conflict and wars looming. We must send lots of positive vibes into the ether and pray for peace. 

We are will intent on moving at least to live on one level as unfortunately my age is starting to catch up a little. Still a bit of exercise and weight loss will help. I do wish our group on Facebook would grow into a world peace movement “Rainbow Healing Sanctuary Hearts for the Love of Peace RAK”  

We are still looking for a nice venue around the Hertfordshire area for our retreat. Once organised it will be a fun filled weekend with lots of learning plus socialising as I know lots of you have connected over the past two years and would like to met up.  If anyone has heard of a nice inexpensive venue around that area let us know and we will book it post haste  

In my next post I will be reviewing a book on Scrying by Lucya Starza, which I highly recommend. All details will be in my next post -meanwhile read Lucya’s blog

Sunday, February 6, 2022

28 Day Challenge


Well it looks as if we are coming out of lockdown at long last. Both Daniel and I are still suffering the results of covid. Still coughing like mad and not feeling wonderful on the other hand we are starting to plan. Firstly we need a retreat around the Hertfordshire area so we can have a met up for our Whats App group. Unfortunately with the rise in cleaning bills, electricity and gas I can’t see them coming down, but we are trying to keep it as  cheap as possible as we know everyone is “hearts of oak” or “brassic”. I have asked Diana, Alan and Daniel to do workshops plus of course myself. I am also asking Nicholas to go a Mindfulness session. I will be looking for self catering as it would be nice if Alex’s other half can do the cooking (just an idea). 

I am also doing a 28 day challenge to raise money for the dogs for the deaf charity. As some of you might know we already support “Guide Dogs for the Blind” as I am grateful for my sight having spent time in hospital as a child with eye operations. Nothing sight threatening but at one time after the operation I was deprived of my eye sight and it certainly has stayed in my memory. Equally I can’t imagine a world without music . Please support it I am crocheting 28 worry worms over 28 days but some are a wee bit more elaborate than the normal ones. See pictures here.

I will try and keep you all informed of progress. We really need somewhere for our own sanctuary before I get too old to cope with the move as my vertigo and mobility are not 100% anymore. 

Saturday, January 22, 2022

  • Well what can I say. At the moment we are not planning any workshops or circles as we both feel too under the weather to contemplate it.  We need to combat this and battle the Winter. No doubt soon Frau Holda will be shaking our her pillows and we will see flurries of the white stuff I dread. Lovely in the countryside, but in London no. The street become slippery and icy.  I really don’t want any falls. Already had two curtesy of masks.   We really do need to have our own sanctuary so we don’t have to travel. We have known for sometime we are in the wrong locality, but until recently weren’t sure which direction we should be heading . We do know we want to have extras such as a place where lonely people can met up and make friends. Plus a healing sanctuary both for humans and the animals whether fur babies or feathered friends. We will need a miracle for this or a sponsor. 
    We are continuing with our Whats App group and I feel we will go on with this for a while as lots of the group have nowhere to go and they have made friends as well as supporting one another. We are looking for a venue in either Hertfordshire or Buckinghamshire to hold a retreat. If anyone has any ideas please let me know. 
    I still feel Julie FĂ©lix’s song “Tiger Eyes” was a foresight and although it was written for the last year of the it applied to this one, which arrives on 1st February note to Mercury Retrograde goes on the 4th February. 
    Our main aim this coming year is to move. We need to get the other side of the Thames. Moreover these old bones need to be on one level.
    I am also  doing a 28 day challenge to raise  money for the following charity - can’t think of a world without voices and music plus giving them a canine
    As you can also see we are still leaving little hearts plus worry worms about for peace. See our Facebook group “Rainbow Healing Sanctuary Hearts for the Love of Peace RAK”
    Meanwhile all keep safe. I am recovering from covid and still feeling shattered. 

Friday, January 7, 2022

Welcome March and goodbye covid

A Happy New Year to all our readers. We wish you an abundant, healthy, blessed 2022 with lots of joy as say goodbye to covid as I am still convinced as the year of the tiger roars in covid will depart as we know it and become like the flu seasonal, but let’s hope it has made us realised how much we value the green of nature and our nearest and dearest. Remember “Friends are family you choose for yourself”. I have also mention how many of you in our spiritual group have linked together supporting each other through this past year even though you have had problems of your own. I am fully convinced we will start seeing the back of Covid in February - let the tiger roar in. Google Tigers Eye by Julie Felix, which was written by her for  the last year of the Tiger (I did mention this in my blog entry of 27th October 2021). Sadly Julie past to spirit the day before the first lockdown so very sad but she would have not been happy with all the restrictions. She without really realising was extremely intuitive and did the most amazing sound healing workshops which I had the privilege of attending on several occasions. She had the knack  of making everyone feel secure and safe at the same time as well as feeling special. We organised a lovely weekend at the Seekers Trust in Kent (see blog entries on December 2009) and the following entry for details and pictures) quite a magical weekend and a beautiful memory.  
She had been in my life so many years my eyes still feel with tears at the thought her physical presence is no longer with us. Heavens gain is our loss. 
We are looking forward to being able to start workshops again, but really need to establish our own sanctuary. My age isn’t with me as lockdown and masks have taken there toil. Nevertheless we are determined to make it happen as we not only want to teach spiritual practices I would like to teach some crafts so theses skills are past on knitting, tatting as well as crochet. Even during my eye operation as a child I managed french knitting by feel. Just wish I had that strength now, but I mustn’t complain as there are people who never have this privilege.
We are hoping sometime in March to be able to run classes again plus organising a retreat for all the members of our Whats App, although at the moment we are taking one day at a time. If anyone has any ideas in helping us manifest this dream please contact us on 
We will continue to knit and crochet things to leave in various localities as random acts of kindness for people to come upon as the certainly do cheer people up and we have had some lovely emails saying they found something which came at exactly the right time to cheer them up. Especially the worry worms