Saturday, January 24, 2015

We are pleased to say that Barbara Barnes is making good progress.  We will be chairing at the Island of Light from next week on the 1st February.  The service starts at 6.30 and the medium on that evening is John Rooney who we can really recommend as well as being a lovely man he is an excellent medium.  More details in the week.  Both the meeting at Epping and that at Woodford last night were magic.  The energies at both were amazing and we are grateful for such lovely people.  Our only moan is distance, but if that's where spirit wants us then we will travel there. It is well worth it for the response  we are getting. Tomorrow the Sunday 25th of January we are back at Woodford for a series of workshops, which start tomorrow at noon and finish at 5 pm.  Bring yourselves and a packed lunch although there are three supermarkets nearby.  The title of the workshop is Inspired Spiritual Creativity and cost £10 and then on Tuesday 27th January also starting at noon we will be having a new workshop "Make Your Own Oracle Cards" which can be used to meditate on or create your own unique pack of cards.  The cost of this is £20 to cover materials as well as the tuition.  Again bring your own lunch, but at both of these workshops teas and biscuits etc. will be provided.  I would also like to recommend a workshop on the 31st January with Sharon Law called "Creative Spirit of the Soul".  Sharon's workshops are always fun and I know those of you who attend it will enjoy it - it is from noon to 3 pm and the cost £5 for members and £6 for non members.  Full details of these three are on their website Our give a gnome a home campaign is going well and I am now knitting girl gnomes as well as owls and now mobile covers with key rings.  Funds raise go to promoting our sanctuary. See them on which I will be updating soon. Please keep your eye out for our gnome story and also please join our website as I would like also to see this grow the same as our workshops and groups have.  This is the link

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