Thursday, May 14, 2015

Change of dates at Visions of Creativity

Due to the awareness group night being changed we have decided that we will have some Fridays in Epping, which will start on 5th June.  There is a new programme being printed now and we are hoping to have one Friday and one Wednesday per month.  There has also been a change of programme in May as Nigel Irvine is unwell and his workshop has been postponed until later in the year.  On the 20th May it is your truly doing a workshop entitled "The Way Within With Wax" usual time in the Friends Meeting House Epping at a cost of £6.  On the 30th May we will be holding our first full date Saturday workshop with Alan Albiston "The Magic and Spirit of Nature" It starts at 11 am and finishes at 4 pm and costs £20 which will include nibbles and we are hoping that some of this workshop can be held in the beautiful garden attached to the meeting house.  Advanced notice as in June we will be having two friends day's giving the opportunity to come with a friend for just £1 plus your entrance fee, which as always includes light refreshments and teas and coffees.  The first of these is "Drawing Auras" on Wednesday17th June and the second a special on Monday 29th June with Ann Evans from Chard Stoke in Devon talking about her husband Ken's spiritual paintings. Ann has had a fascinating journey from leaving a closed order to working in Africa as well as doing an alternative therapy.  The cost of this evening is £7 and plus £1 for a friend.  The friends concession only applies to people new to the group.  If you have never been before and want to come on your own entrance will be half price as at the moment although the group is growing we are running at a lose and need to cover at least costs.  On Sunday 17th May we are at the Island of Light at the Barkantine Hall, Westferry Road, Isle of Dogs which is run by Barbara Barnes.  There will be five readers including  ourselves and starts at 6.30 come early as its bound to be popular Later in the month are serving Thornwood Church in Epping details of that to come in a later post. We still have our give a gnome a home campaign which is helping fund the sanctuary at the moment gnomes vary in price starting at £10 going to £25 depending on how complex they are, 

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