Friday, December 4, 2015

Our awareness group will now folding on the 21st December and reconvening on the 11th January 2016.  Meanwhile we will be having another "Make Your Own Oracle Cards" workshop this coming Sunday the 6th at South Woodford Spiritualist Church starting 11am to 4 pm ( Daniel's Dad has now been in spirit a month and we would like to show our love by posting this picture taken at Ambleside one Christmas.  He will be missed and we will  buy a bag of marshmallows just so hew knows he isn't forgotten.  This coming Wednesday the 9th at Epping in the venue we have the fortune to be able to hire is a workshop with Clare Teale " Exploring the Colour Vibration", which starts at 7.30 pm only £7 including a free raffle and light refreshments.  The following Saturday on the 12th December starting at noon is a workshop with Michael Redwin " Compendium of Spirit " only £20 including free raffle and light refreshments.  Doors open at 11.30 am.  We are planning lots of lovely workshops for 2016  so keep your eye out on our blog, but don't forget we will have one left for this year.  We are continuing with our give a gnome a home campaign to raise funds for the sanctuary, which have now been join by a few leprechauns.  One of which has winged it's way to Kalamazoo to live with the lovely Robin Jez.  We are also pleased to announce that we will be launching our first meditation CD in the very near future.  It will definitely be ready before Christmas and we will let you know as soon as possible.

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