Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Magical Dolls

We are really looking forward to the workshop at Epping on Saturday 18th May and we hope it will be well attended.  Don't forget it starts at 1.30 but doors open at 1 pm for meet and greet.  The day is just £20 which includes any materials used plus light refreshments and a free raffle ticket.  Workshop entitled "Your Creative Soul" in which we will also be combining a wee bit of sound healing at the start of the day to calm everyone from the outside distractions. We are now in the process of planning other events as the venue has got some repairs which need doing.  It now looks as if these will go ahead in August so we can make plans one of which we have already arranged and it is " Making a Magical Doll" (poppet and how to use it) with Lucya Starza on October 5th, which will start at 1.30 pm.  The cost will be £20 which will include all materials, there is a suggested donation for materials of £2.  I am also hoping Lucya will have a copy of her book for sale. We will need to know numbers for this as obviously materials have to be brought.   We are also planning a workshop with Anita Panayiotis on animal healing.  Hopefully by my next post we will have news of that.  Now back to ourselves and on Thursday 23rd May we will be at Woodford during the afternoon with "Your Creative Self"  which will start at 2.30 and 6 approx. and then at 7 pm is our normal circle.  We are planning at some stage to take it back to Tuesday's as we are gearing it around medical appointments.  I would also like to mention several specials which will be taking place at Woodford Church in aid of the church.  The first of these will be on the 6th July at 7 pm with Raymond Prendergast and will include a free raffle and refreshments.  Time for making friends and seeing an excellent medium. More details nearer the time.  Advanced notice on September 14th there will be an amazing trio of three being Alan Albiston, Alfred Hunt and Ruth Lipkin.  More details nearer the time, but it will include refreshments and time to make new friends.
The last of our felting course at the Woodlands Farm will take place this weekend a selection of what was produced is also above. 

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