Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Going Quackers

First of all I would like to draw your attention to our workshop on the 16th November at our beautiful venue in Epping.  For those of you who don't know we are so fortunate to be able to hire a room in the Friends Meeting House in Epping, which is situated in Hemnal Street CM16 4LL (parking outside the venue) and a short bus ride from Epping Station. This is a new workshop where you will be learning new ways to link with spirit as well as on a psychic level "Scrying and other Spiritual Tools" both Daniel and I are  mediums and highly experienced teachers who have studied with many well known mediums of the past including Coral Polge, Marie Taylor, Robin Winbow, Colin Fry and Diane Elliott. We fully believe you go on learning and therefore often attend other workshops and indeed on  many occasions we learn as much from our students as we hope they do from us.  Please come and join us on the 16th November at 12 noon  for a warming drink and note the Winter time of 12.30 start to the workshops. As we say our motto is "Come as a Stranger, leave as friend"
We have also changed our circle during the Winter also and are now meeting once a fortnight with an afternoon workshop, which also gives those people who else cannot make it during the evening or are reluctant to venture out in the evening an opportunity to participate.  Our next dates are the 19th November at Woodford Spiritualist Church (www.woodfordchurch.com) and it starts at 3 pm till 6.30 pm and then 7.15 pm till 8.45 pm for the circle (the timings of the latter still has to be discussed). 
In our next post I will tell you about two interesting workshops on the 23rd November meanwhile I would like to draw your attention to a special offer of cards at Wicca Moon.  These are only available from there and indeed on one of the cards you will find a painting of Daniel and I.  They are beautifully designed and for those of you who collect tarot cards or use them a must and at the moment they have an offer of the cards plus a Wicca Moon mug.  This is also the place you can purchase the beautiful cards I reviewed in my previous post.  (www.wiccamoon.co.uk).
I would also like to congratulate Lucya Starza  on selling 1,000 copies of her book "Poppets and Magical Dolls".  Well done Lucya and I would like to reiterate what I said in a previous post do read Lucya's blog as it is full of really useful information, which has been well researched (www.badwitch.co.uk).
Now to the ducks as this little lady (her name is Jonquil and she was knitted by Karen) on the right was gifted to me one morning at Rochester Station when I arrived at the station on my way to a workshop at Intra with Unravel and Unwind run Faye Luminesence Lamb.  They are a random act of kindness knitted to support (www.thelittleyellowduckproject.org) to appreciation of the world's lifesaving blood bone marrow organ donors. I thought this such a lovely idea decided to join in,  The one at the top is called Drew and he went on his travels yesterday (three previous ones to Darren, Dolly and Daisy),  Just finishing Duncan.  Got to say its a lovely idea and it has given me a few ideas.  Maybe some of you out there would like to do the same. 


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