Saturday, May 13, 2023

Thought it was about time we updated our blog. No really different news save no we now know we must move soon. My mobility is not perfect and at least I have had the privilege of so far living through the pandemic. New variant seems even more debilitating. 
Nicholas will be returning to the Ukraine, but at the moment there is no fixed date as he has medical issues which needs to be resolved. Hopefully he will get the help he so deserves. 
Our decluttering is slow, but we will get there. My brother in hospital hasn’t helped the situation and has left me emotionally drained. No doubt it will get resolved soon. Although yesterday would be better. Still he is fortunate to be here after having sepsis plus a UTI plus. 
Our Whats App group is still flourishing even though some of its members are still suffering the aftermath of covid. Lots of good work being done with the right ethos and the drawing above was done by one of the group. Spirit do like spirit art and it doesn’t have to be necessarily a portrait. 
We are still carrying on with our peace campaign by sending our hearts, worry worms etc and I have had lots of inspiring messages from those who found them. We will keep this up as it’s so badly needed. Will we ever learn war is not an option. I would love to see this in my live time.
On the subject of hearts and worry worms I keep being asked for worry worms and hearts. Yes I will willingly make them, but I would like a donation for postage as like everyone else pennies are short and postage adds up. 
Till our next update keep safe and healthy.

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