Monday, September 2, 2013

This is our latest news and I am hoping that next week they will tell me I can weight bear on my foot again.  I have to visit the fracture clinic on the 12th September and hopefully I will be sent on to the physiotherapy department.  I am still in some pain, but it is not major.  Our main difficulty is steps and Daniel (my earth angel) is slowly getting to grips with the idea and we won't be so house bound.  Big problem is undergrounds as not all of them have disabled access and with this in mind I have had to cancel the workshop on the 8th September at Woodford Church, but I shall see if John can find us another Sunday or Saturday. Meanwhile all I can say is sorry, but I am in the hands of the universe.  I have every intention of honouring our commitments at Windsor and Woodford at the end of September,  I am sure by then I will be well on my way to healing and walking again.   I am showing two other pictures created by Daniel at our workshop at Stockwell and I am still hoping that some members of the group will post some of theirs.  We will be attending a workshop on Saturday 7th September at Stockwell and Coleen Rechere has again dons her earth angel outfit and is picking us up at Victoria Station so we can attend Jacci and Les Fuller's Shamanic Workshop 12 noon to 5 pm for those of you interested.  I know anyone attending will enjoy it. Meanwhile being a Gemini I have to be occupied and I am knitting up a hurricane in the way of Shamanic Rattles (wooden handles whittled by my brother Allan McNally inspired by Neil Paton's Wands), Power Animals and toys for children so please take a look at and later on we will be updating our  I am including a couple of bits I have knitted especially for those of you interested in shamanic things.

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