Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Some while ago we were told that part of our mission was to help set students on course to teach and we are pleased to say this has now come to fruition.  Alex Camies did her first workshop on dreams at Stockwell Spiritualist Church last Saturday and we have received very positive feedback in regard to this.  Well done Alex and lets hope many more workshops will follow.  We are very pleased for her and wish her much success on her spiritual path.  We would also like to recommend a workshop at Woodford Spiritualist Church ( this coming Saturday the 7th March with Stephanie Barrows "Spring Clean with Spirit and Clear your Pathway to Progress" (see website for details).  Our next workshop is on the 15th March and will start at 11.30 am and finish at 4 pm "Inspired Spiritual Creativity" and of course our awareness group is on Friday nights.   We have workshops coming up in docklands and also at Epping, but more details of these in our next posts. Our give a gnome a home has produced fruit and we were able to put a coloured advertisement in "Spirit Messenger" this month and we have raised enough for the following month.  These two are our latest offerings "Robin the Red" and his brother "Rufus the Red" and Robin is now winging his way to Bexhill on Sea to live with Joan.  We will continue and hopefully they will help fund the centre as well as capturing the hearts of many people.  All areknitted with love and their characters are equally different.

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