Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Our news desk

This is our latest news and updates in workshops and recommendations.  Firstly I would love to say what a delight it was taking Sharon Law's circle whilst she is on holiday in the USA the students did very well and I am sure she will be proud of them. We are really looking forward to taking it again next week on Tuesday with a Sound Healing with Colour evening every one welcome it only £3 and although its sound healing the instruments we use are gentle rainsticks, ting chas and singing bowls (  This coming Friday we are at Epping hosting a workshop with the lovely Maggie Jones which starts at 7.30 pm in our usual venue of the Friends Meeting House, but beforehand starting at 6.30 pm is hands on healing.  I can highly recommend this workshop.  I would also like to recommend three other workshops.  Two are at Woodford one is with Val Bickerstaff and the other with David Irwin (see website).  Unfortunately neither of these we can make, but will be there to support Alex Camies with her dream interpretation workshop on the 9th August in the evening at the Island of Light which is held at the Barkantine Hall, Westferry Road, Isle of Dogs,  London E14 8SS - starts at 6.30 pm.  On Saturday we are at Stockwell with a Making Friends with Your Pendulum Workshop and we will be delight to see you.  Its going to be a fun day as a lot of Sharon's students discovered on Tuesday (  See website and we are looking forward to seeing Coleen Rechere and the rest of the committee (we will bring some gnomes). We will also be doing a similar workshop at Woodford Spiritualist Church on the 16th August and this too will be a fun day. Lastly I would like to thank Tracey Robinson for organising the workshop at Clapham North Spiritualist Church and we would be delight to facilitate another anytime.  Our awareness group on Mondays has now split with Daniel Naughnane taking one half and myself taking the other and we are proud of the progress the students are making.  Our give a gnome a home campaign is going very well and I am now back to knitting a few owls plus fairies too.

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