Tuesday, August 18, 2015

We are really so pleased with the awareness group and the progress they are making. It has now been decided that the group can be divided into two and we are therefore having a closed circle. This circle will be for those who wish to develop their mediumship towards platform and one to one readings.  This will also make room for those who wish to come to the awareness group. Both groups are on a Monday evening at 7.30 pm and the closed circle will commence on the first week in September.  On the 19th August at 7.30 pm we have a workshop at Epping with Alan Albiston "Angelic Inspirations" - the evening is £6 which includes light refreshments.  We are very lucky in being able to rent the Friends  Meeting House in Hemnall Street, CM16 4LL for our evenings. A warm welcome will be given to everyone. We will be holding another Saturday Workshop at the end of the month - not to be missed for those of you wanting to make changes in your life "Manifesting Creatively - Your dreams becoming reality" again held at the Epping venue and it starts at 11am and finishes at 4 pm only £20 including all teas etc, but bring a packed lunch.  For those of you who want to continue in this vain there will be an online support group lead by myself for a small fee every three months called "Manifesting can be fun" Daniel Naughnane and I are the tutors for this.  I would also like to recommend the workshop on the 22nd August with Sharon Law " True Spirit of Mediumship", which will cover one to one readings -  11 am to 6 pm Cost £15  at Woodford Spiritual Church.  Between 4 pm to 6 pm there will be readings with fledglings please give them your support (www.woodfordchurch.com) Only £1 We are still continuing with our "Give a Gnome a Home" campaign knitting bot only gnomes, but crocheted creatures too and also owls, fairies and angels. 

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