Friday, January 1, 2016

I would like to wish everyone who reads our blog a magical fun filled 2016 and may your dreams come to fruition.  Unfortunately this is a very bleak grey afternoon on the fringes of Kent and the sun has only shown its face a few brief times today. Our first engagement this year will be on the 11th January at South Woodford Spiritualist Church  ( when we restart the awareness group.  So please come and join us at 7.30 pm (arrival from around 7.15 pm).  Then on 15th January we will be reopening at Epping with our first meeting of the year with Alan Albiston which will be "Water Readings"  so come and join us on this fun event at 7.30 pm again doors open around 7 ish.   Then on the 30th January yours truly will be doing a manifestation workshop which starts at noon until 5 pm.  We now have our CD on sale and its price is £9.99 plus P & P.  We are delighted that we are getting very positive feedback from it and it now looks as if we will be ordering at least another 50 CDs, which is remarkable.  We are continuing with our give a gnome a home campaign and we have various animals, gnomes and witches for sale (helps fund the sanctuary). 

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