Thursday, June 23, 2016

Our next workshop will be on the 29th of June with Alan Albiston and it starts at 7.30 pm and is entitled "Nature's Messengers" only £7 including refreshments and a free raffle.  This workshop is suitable for all levels.   The one following that is an all day event with talks, mini taster workshops and meditations plus a free raffle.   It is on the 9th July and starts at 12.30 pm and admission is only £3 and this will include all talks, workshops etc.  There will be therapies and readings which are extra including an evening of spiritual communication. Tickets for the evening are £5 and an all day ticket £7.  Those confirmed for this event are Alf Hunt, Martin Jones, Tracey Forde Robinson, Lorna Hunte, Sharon Law, Dee Dee, Eagle EyeAlan Albiston and of course ourselves.  The event following that is an evening of communication with Eva O'Brian and her circle members on the 20th July, but more of that on one of our future posts, which starts at 7.30 pm.   We have also decided that we will be running a series of these events to raise the profile of the Rainbow Healing Sanctuary and the one following this will be around the South East area of London and will follow the same format as the one at Epping.  So if you want one in your area or want to participate please let me know.  Also if you know of any cheap venues in  Bromley or a nearby area please let me know.  The same applies to Hertfordshire.  We would like to keep them at prices that are affordable whilst covering all our costs.  If you have any ideas for workshops or things you wish to learn please email us on or ring us on 07767 137377.  On Sunday July 24th we have an all day workshop at Woodford Spiritualist Church ( "Pathway to Spirit Part III" which will include some spirit art following this we will be running the special event at the Isle of Dogs at the Island of Light.  We would also like to remind you that our awareness group runs on Monday evening at Woodford Spiritualist Church and starts at 7.30 we are usually there around 7 to 7.15 unless there are monumental hold ups in the tunnel.  We still have some of our CDs for sale and so far everyone who has purchased one has enjoyed it.  Again we are still looking for a permanent venue in either Essex or Hertfordshire around the Harlow area would be nice.   Any ideas please message us. 

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