Wednesday, February 3, 2021

Where to next .

I am very proud of students in our recent spirit art exercises and we are completely committed to keeping up our Whats App Group going even after lockdown (although it will be once a week as if we are going back to normal teaching. It would be too tiring). If we could only start our own sanctuary with what is at our fingertips and the other on our group it would be beneficial to so many.

The idea of a cheap drop in cafe is still upmost in our minds as so many people are isolated. It is something which has really shown during this pandemic. People are feeling isolated now, but let’s think there are those that are like this all the time l. It’s so sad.

I am also going to trying to uplift two people at least each week by a wee act of kindness or thoughtfulness. I sent put some hearts to some people within the medical staff who had put themselves out to help me. Last week I received a lovely email and this week two telephone calls from people who were so happy to receive them 

I have also unfortunately had another catastrophe while wearing a mask with vertigo. So no more going out after dark when I can’t see properly. It’s a struggle for me anyway with vertigo . Ended up coming out if the hospital after an appointment knocking my leg and bumping my head as inalienable ok a blood thinner had to have it checked out. Two hospitals plus many hours later got back home. Those poor nurses looked shattered doing triage, cleaning seats plus servicing refreshments. They deserve a holiday plus a huge pay rise. So does anyone working during this time in the public sector. 

As you can see I have added some of the spirit art produced by the group, which I think are amazing. More to come later this week I hope. Lastly a picture of hearts which are going out this week. Meanwhile please all of you keep safe and remember whatever your views we are all in this together. 



Tracey Robinson said...

Beautiful art.

Tracey Robinson said...

Beautiful art.

Patricia McNally said...

There are sold lovely pieces of work including. Yours Tracey 🌹❤️🌈