Sunday, January 17, 2021

Look forward to 2021

Well that wasn’t a very good start to the New Year. Unfortunately wearing a mask with vertigo is not sensible in one way, but safe in another. I came out of the chiropodist the pavements were very wet I didn’t see where I was going and went smack down on my head. My fingers now are very bruised so I’m writing this blog by dictating it into my messages then copying and pasting it. It seems to be working fairly well and I’ve also sent a couple of text that way.

Now getting back to the topic of our blog today positivity let’s be positive that we are now moving into the age of Aquarius and things will get better. Maybe not quite yet but in the near future. Meanwhile we will continue with our WhatsApp group. At the moment there is so much stress. Especially for those in lockdown as well as those brave key staff not only the members of the NHS bless them but the shop staff, the postman, the bus and train drivers etc. I would like to recommend an aid which I have found invaluable during this time that is essences on  not only the Bach Flower and Bush Flower, but the animals essences formulated by Daniel Mapel. I might add no animals are harmed in this process ( The essences themselves can be purchased www; or ( The picture of the lovely canine above is the resident therapist at Daniel’s home in the Blue Mountains. She is in my opinion adorable.. 

Both Daniel and I are hoping to become practitioners at some point in the future. We had been booked on a course with Daniel until this wretched virus stopped us all in our tracks. We look forward to doing this in the future. 

Unfortunately I think we will be in lockdown until at least March so we will carry on with our Whats App group whom we are so proud of. It’s wonderful how they support each other. We are also getting lots of different ideas for the sanctuary from the group all we need to do now is manifest it. Firstly we must move north of the Thames. 

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