Saturday, January 12, 2013

Welcome to our site.  Just a little bit of update. We are planning a weekend retreat at the Seekers Trust in Kent.  Some of you will already have experience the healing energies of this lovely place. Flats are very moderately priced at £100 for three days in a double flat, single flats for two nights are £42 and for three £57. Members of the Seekers do get a discount on accomodation. This is one of four weekends we are planning this coming year.  The First of which will be a series of short three hour workshops with Susan Griffiths, Daniel Naughane and myself Patricia McNally.  There will also we an evening of clairvoyance with ourselves plus a trance demonstration with Maggie and  Martin Jones  both exceptional trance mediums. The dates for this event is the 12th/13th/14th April. More details of this in my next post. We are planning also a series of one day workshops is various localities so keep linked in with this blog.  The first of our one day events is at the Ringway Community Centre, 268 Baring Road, London , SE12.  The locality is very close to the station so has easy access by way of public transport.   It is entitled "Exploring your Psychic Ability the Easy Way"  Starts at 11 am and finishes at 4 pm all light refreshments included.  So why not join us on a day of love, laughter and learnings with mediums who care about how students are taught and your progress. If you need more details please ring +447927288904 or email    Following the April dates are another exciting programe on the 12th/13th/14th of July,  This weekend will include a weekend that is really for you " The Intuitive Way to Manifest Your Dreams Easily". This will be led by ourselves, but there will also be an evening of Transfiguration with Haydn Clarke and Stevie Robinson who have appeared with Colin Fry on the Sixth Sense/  Both a brilliant medium and psychic artist as well as transfiguration.  So don't forget you have until the 21st Janury to get your early bird discount on our one day workshop so why not book now (  and also follow us on twitter.


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