Saturday, April 1, 2017

April Showers the good kind.

Well here we are at the first day of April and what goodies have been lined up.  Our next workshop at Epping is on the 12th April with Daniel Naughnane and myself "How to work with the Universe" (a blueprint to manifest your dreams) Go with the Flow" with Alan Albiston. and its starts at 7.30 pm with doors opening at 7 pm.   The one after that is on the 26th April  We also have new workshop starting at Woodford Spiritualist Church called  "Crafty Mindfulness Crochet"  -  a combination workshop which will not only teach you a fun handicraft, but also help you be in the now.  This will be lead by myself and materials and crochet hooks will be provided as part of the workshop.  This workshop is in two parts and if it is well attended we will be running another similar one in which you will be able to crochet and design your own mandela with my help.  First one is on the 18th April and starts at  noon and finishes at 5 pm and the second part is on May 9th.  First part £15 and second part £12.  So if you fancy being mindful and learning how to crochet this is the workshop for you.  Will be a fun day with lots of learning making yourself a crochet key ring maybe not as elaborate as this one but it could be used for yourself or given as a present or donated to one of the raffles for fund raising for various projects or charities.  Now to our big event of the month "A Day with Spirit" on the 29th April at Woodford Church (  Workshops so far are the following:-
1. The Healing Touch"                               -     Katalin Catherine Jones
2. Healing Through Sound                         -     Daniel Naughnane
3. A Talk on Gordon Higginson                 -     Haydn Clarke
4. Doing it Right (mediumship)                  -    Stevie Robinson
5. Mindfulness in Every Day Life               -    Martin Jones
6. Spring Time
 (Traditions and elebrations)                        -    Liz Gale
There will be some other workshops yet to be announced plus readings therapies and a Medley of Mediums in the evening so please come and join us.   

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