Friday, December 13, 2019

Hearts and more hearts

Last Tuesday we made our way to Epping, but not to our usual venue.  It was to see the one and only Julie Felix and it was a fabulous evening with Linda Moylan and John Clarke in support adding even more to the evening.   Julie at 81 and half never ceases to amaze me and her performance was fantastic (as always).  We will hopefully get to the gigs early in 2020 weather and other complications permitting.  I have got to say the Thunder Beings dealt with our request brilliantly getting us both there and back dry (although it had been pouring down in between).
We would like to remind you there is a workshop at Woodford Spiritualist Church with popular medium Alan Albiston on the 14th December, which starts at noon and finishes at 5 pm "Nature's Circles and Cycles" only £10 members and £12 non members ( Alan's workshends aops are suitable for all levels so please come and join us.
 On the 17th December we will be holding our last workshop and circles of the year.  The workshop is suitable for all levels and is entitled  "The Many Pathways of Spiritual Development II"  3 pm to 6.30 pm church members £5 non members £6 this will be followed at 7.30 pm by our closed circle and  Progressive Development Group.  
We have one more event at Epping before 2019 ends and its with Elizabeth Gale on 21st December and entitled "Yuletide Traditions" (we will of course we celebrating Yule at this event too).
Our group on Facebook "Rainbow Healing Sanctuary Hearts for Love of Peace" is growing and we have been leaving these heart key rings at various localities (mainly places we travel too), but also others will be now be joining us knitting or crocheting these and some have already been located in Cheddar, Morecambe as well as over the pond in Kalamazoo.  I am also planning on doing a few heart lavender bags early next year (maybe you will find one).  I have also added two snaps of places they have been located.  Although one of our favourite places is these book exchanges you find at stations these days.  A number of stations have these including Rochester, Stratford, Grove Park and New Cross.  The array of Christmas trees have been yet another locality.


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