What a lovely workshop yesterday at Wicca Moon with Shirlee Moon on the Goddess Holda and having attended Jack Gale's in the past I can tell you these two workshops compliment one another and if any of you get the opportunity to attend either I would recommend them without hesitation. They are both entirely different and there was obviously a lot of work put into both the workshop and the box which accompanied it(see picture on the left). We were all left with everything we needed to do a ritual as well as a vast amount of new knowledge. Moreover I do feel a a wee bit more than that as I feel a way forward to establishing our sanctuary.
Our Facebook Group "Rainbow Healing Sanctuary Hearts for Love and Peace" So far in total we have given out in various localities 35 hearts and we are hoping to give out a few more this week. We also have several people who will be joining us knitting a few and distributing them in the area near where they live or further afield. Those being Julie Holmes, Lucya Starza, Jules Fay, Jan and Ness Colbunn. The picture of the hearts and poppet taken on here was by Robin Jez in Kalamazoo. Thanks Robinb its a great picture..
Another workshop we would like to draw you attention to is at Woodford Spiritualist Church with popular medium Alan Albiston on the 14th December, which starts at noon and finishes at 5 pm "Nature's Circles and Cycles" only £10 members and £12 non members (www.woodfordchurch.com). Alan's workshops are suitable for all levels so please come and join us. On the 17th December we will be holding our last workshop and circles of the year. The workshop is suitable for all levels and is entitled "The Many Pathways of Spiritual Development II" 3 pm to 6.30 pm Members £5non members £6 this will be followed at 7.30 pm by our closed circle and Progressive Development Group and we will be returning all being well on the 7th January 2020, We will also be taking the last service at Woodford on the 23rd December at 2 pm so please come and join us.
Finally our last workshop at Epping is with Elizabeth Gale "The Traditions of Yuletide" which will starts at 1.30 pm and finishes around 5.30 pm on 21st December. We will be returning to Epping either the last week in February or the first of March depending on various factor with either a sound healing workshop or "A Day with Spirit" which will have mini workshops of 3 hours or more plus readings and an evening of clairvoyance.
We at Lewisham Plus Credit Union found your beautiful heart! We added it to our Christmas tree to pass on the act of kindness. And will give you a mention on our social page 😊
That's lovely and we hope eventually it will find its way on to someone's bag or being used as a key ring. Look out for more as I am sure we will be depositing some more at this locality.
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