Sunday, December 1, 2019

Rainbow Healing Sanctuary Hearts for the Love of Peace

Yesterday was a very interesting day with a workshop with Elizabeth Gale on various card spreads.  I had some lovely feedback from members of the group especially Sandra and Carol.   We are so pleased that it has been so beneficial.  I am sure we will get more feedback on Tuesday afternoon and evening. As a result of the workshop as are now thinking about a workshop on the astrology of the cards plus a few other ideas buzzing around my brain. Incidentally Liz will be doing our last workshop of the year at Epping in our usual beautiful venue on the 21st December at 1.30 pm entitled "The Traditions of Yuletide", which will start at 1.30 pm.  I will be giving more details of this in one of our next posts.  Yesterday at Woodford Spiritualist Church ended with an excellent demonstration of mediumship with popular medium Ray Prendergast in aid of the church funds.  The tree being up did enhance the evening.  Our next workshop there will be "The Many Pathways of Personal and Spiritual Development". Starts at 3.00 pm and finishes at 6.30 pm only £5 for church members and £6 non members.  This will be followed by our Progressive Awareness Group and also the Closed Circle.  Please come and join us. 
Please come and join our new group on facebook "Rainbow Healing Sanctuary Hearts for the Love of Peace"  Helps manifest a sanctuary and send peace world wide. Psychic Robin Jez in Kalamazoo is placing some of our wee hearts across the pond. 
We are also looking for venues where we can do a pop up workshops for a small donation or if you know of any cheap or free venues. 

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