Tuesday, April 28, 2020

So Into May

Well it looks as we will be stuck in lockdown for a few more weeks yet, which is making me even more determined when this has been resolved we need to move to a more greener part of the world. Having been stuck without a place we could take a walk or see proper landscapes. 
The plus side of the lockdown is we are having to find different ways to teach on What’s App and it has been a rewarding challenge. Hopefully it has been beneficial to all participants. We meet now three times a week which are from 8 pm to 8.30 pm on both Tuesday and Saturday then from 8.30 pm to 10 pm on a Thursday. We are hoping to continue with these after the lockdown ceases once a week if everyone feels they wish to continue. The other evening we used this picture for part of our session and bless my dear mum she didn’t let us down with messages loud and clear. 
It is been a very sad time and I wish to offer our condolences to Elsie Poyton on the death of her daughter Deborah Smith and to Christine Oborne on the death of her husband Alan Oborne. Please spare a healing thought for them and also Haydn Clarke who has been in hospital yet again. They are talking of discharging him, but from what I gather no clear indication on exactly what is wrong. 
We are still making plans for when lockdown is finished, but until we get some real indication Of when this will be we can’t really be concrete about it. We however do know we will be have a “Sound Healing Workshop” with Daniel Naughnane and myself plus a Shamanic one with Les and Jacky Fuller
I am still knitting hearts to distribute after this mayhem has finished as well as pairs of hearts for hospital for patients and their relatives, which I hope is some way will help with the stress relating to this virus.  It is such a small thing when I think of all those in the medical profession plus the other vital workers who are making life easier for us who have to self isolate. My personal thanks goes out to them and I will be out clapping on Thursday evening at at 8 pm.
Finally I will be adding videos (https://youtu.be/xVvmBzOlb2A)and some of the magical pieces which are written on our Spiritual Forum during the meetings some of which are quite profound. The videos and such like are items which I feel you might get some benefit from as I did. Meanwhile keep safe and social distance plus stay at home. 

1 comment:

Patricia McNally said...

Gems from our Whats App Circle
Carol Winmill got this message for the whole group.
“Keep optimistic and a positive outlook
As what you want is being manifested for you.
Think about Turning your dreams into reality.
Now is a time of intuition and balance.
You are quite emotional at present, but be diplomatic and use your personal
power to keep harmony.
It’s your time of evolution to your service and duty.
Be ready to adapt.”
Then Daniel Naughnane
“Thought is the place were all manifestation begins nothing can come into being until until it has been created in thought. Therefore we must all be aware of our thinking to hold positive loving thoughts uppermost in our mind and if we should go into a space of negativity to follow it up as soon as is humanly possible with a positive thought to bring things back into balance”