Tuesday, April 7, 2020

What’s new on the isolation front

    Well at the moment we are spending our time going out the minimal amount of time possible. In honesty l am scared to go too far afield. Unfortunately some people don’t seem to understand social distancing, which makes even going out nerve wracking. We also read that a hospital in Swindon is asking for a pair of double hearts, one of which can be given to the Coronavirus patient and one to the family.  Important to use clean yarn and put them in a freezer bag which is all taped up with the date on as the virus dies on yarns after 72 hours. This plea was put out by Ms.Kirby-Deacon. Addressed to : Bright Futures at Great Western Hospital, Marlborough Road, Swindon, SN3 6BB. I will be knitting a couple of pairs of these to send out. If anyone wants to join me and hasn’t got a pattern please email me on yourcreativeself@outlook.com
    Our next piece of news is not good our dear friend Susan Motson passed to spirit. We are not sure of all the details, but she is now reunited with Eric. Susan was not only a good medium, but an excellent teacher and she will be missed by all who knew her.  Added to that a lovely man and excellent medium Peter Geekie has also passed. Gone home as I prefer to say. I am sure the spirit world welcomed both with open arms. As far as I know they weren’t related to the virus, but can’t verify this. We would like give our condolences to to Bill Forester on the passing of his son Stevie Forester with the virus. On a brighter note Frederica, Aida and Juan Carlos are safe and we hope soon they will be out of self isolation and getting back to a normal existence. Keep safe guys as we aren’t out of the woods yet by a long stroke. We are hoping that soon we will be out of this crisis and back to normal. Whatever normal is. We are planning that our first workshop will be a tribute to Julie Felix who inspired  to do our own sound healing workshops.  We have a workshop booked with Les and Jacky Fuller on 3rd October so we have something to look forward to being at. We also are going on knitting and making hearts to put out into the world after the virus has vanished and anyone interested can see our group on Facebook “ Rainbow Healing Sanctuary Hearts for the  Love of Peace”. The images on here are just some of the hearts I have knitted to date to go out into the world.  Please come and join us.

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