Friday, August 8, 2014

Pleased Mike's back

Last Sunday Daniel and I visited the Spiritual Mission in the heart of Notting Hill Gate in London and  have decided to add a few pictures of this beautiful little church.  I still miss Rosalind Cattanach and her many dogs especially Rosie and Tres.  We went to see our dear friend Mike Hunter who is an excellent mediums as well as a brilliant teacher.  We would recommend that any of you who have the chance go and see this gentleman work.  Firstly I would like to have a few words about an awareness group as there seems to be some confusion in regard to this.  Awareness Groups are not circles they are getting back to basics and include such things as learning to open up to spirit, protecting and grounding, discussing the philosophy, a history of things pertaining to spiritual development such us the different between clairvoyance, clairsentience etc.  We will also discuss thing such as those pioneers of the past such as the Fox Sisters and Helen Duncan or more recent renown mediums and teachers such as Gordon Higginson. In fact tonight we are discussing Helen Duncan at Woodford Spiritualist Church ( and the awareness circle takes place every Friday evening at 7pm till 9pm.  Everyone welcome and entrance is £3.  These awareness circles are not only for beginners but those who feel their knowledge is scant or wish to go back to basics.  We obviously hope those beginners who come will at a later date progress to an open circle then onward and upwards.  We are also running one in Grove Park as we are moving venues and details of this will be announced later.  It will recommence hopefully all being well on the 19th August and the cost will be £5.  We also have two on going courses at Woodford on this Sunday is the continuing workshops of Co-Create With Spirit and on the following Tuesday Intuitive Ways with a Sketchbook (all workshops stand alone and you do not have to come to all of them). We would be interested in hearing  comments and discussions regarding this.  Please feel free to comment on this post.

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