Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Last nights circle was very interesting and we did an exercise where between pairs they composed an inspiration piece and we had some amazing results which I will share with you.  I would like to say well done all you who attended.  Sharon Law who runs the open circle was having her last circle for this year as unfortunately the evening of the 18th December has now been taken by various celebrations.  So not only did students have the delights of the circle and all it held, but also a seasonal celebration, which by the sounds of the laughter we heard was enjoyed by all.  We will be having our celebration next week and I believe Sharon will be joining us during the early part of the day. This is going to start around 2.30 pm and continue with a few breaks until around 8.30 to 9 in the evening.  We will be calling a lunch break around 5.30 for an hour and then continuing.  Do be prepared to work as although we will be celebrating the end of this year with a seasonal celebration, we do intend to be working as well.  Lots of lovely surprises.  Please come and join us.  Its going to be fun. Before this on the Monday 17th December we are the mediums serving Woodford Church (,  It is the last service of the year and I know out lovely President Iris Klein has a few surprises in store.   The service starts at 2 pm.  Lastly I will share one of the inspiration pieces produced by Susan and Alex. 
"The coming year is a time for regeneration.  Use this lasts year as a learning curve to enable you to move on and be fearless. Listen to others and participate in different aspects of spiritual life.  By doing so you will learn to communicate more with spirit and in time will receive many blessings". Well done both.  Well done the rest of the group and we hope to be posting further of these soon.  Meanwhile for a little bit of fun I will post you the words they choose from their cards and suggest you have a go at this and post the results in the comment box below.  Here they are blessings, regeneration, on, move, participation and fearless.  Maybe get together with a friend or even a group.  Lets see what comes up.  Something inspirational for the year ahead.


Robin Jez said...

This year taught us to move on what no longer serves us . The blessings are in the truth of our souls. Participation needs to be two sided or it builds frustration and resentment. Be fearless as you move forward into the next year. This step is vital in human regeneration ...

Patricia McNally said...

Lovely Robin I really like this and no doubt everyone else will do too. Although I understand Angie and Dawn have had great problems posting. I have not idea why either. Lets see some more of you having a go at this challenge.

Robin Jez said...

Thank you Patricia ! I think that they are forgetting to post the comment once they sign in ... it's like you got to do it twice