Sunday, December 16, 2018

Yesterday I was very busy making angels and fairies for friends and members of our circle.  I must admit I am quite pleased with them.  Thank you so much Lucya Starza for the brilliant idea and if you guys are interested you will find it on her blog as well as a list once a month of the spiritual, pagan, goddess and wiccan events going on.  Here is the link to her blog, which I also hasten to add is worth reading.  Take a look for yourselves and she was also responsible for the original poppet pattern, which I have been knitting very successfully.  (
Don't forget tomorrow we are serving Woodford Spiritualist Church and we would love to see some of you there.  It is the last service of the year.  Although I hasten to add on Thursday afternoon there is a charity event and the medium that afternoon is Paul Bathgate and I know Susan Watson will give you a warm welcome (Entrance only £3).   Don't forget also that on  Tuesday afternoon that is the 18th December we are running our last workshop of the year followed by the circle.  Everyone welcome (   

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