Friday, May 15, 2020

New Ways of working

Under the present circumstances we have had to find some new way to develop our spiritual awareness whilst also supporting one another. This is what we had in mind when we started our What’s App group and I hasn’t to add it seems to be working very well. Obviously this will not work for everyone and those who it does not work for gradually have left.  It seem now this is even more important as the lockdown for the churches could stay much longer in place. If we are going to be stuck with these options it seems we must find new way of working.. I am proud of the way every member of the established group have been on hand to support their fellow group members with all that is going on as we can make no forward plans at the moment. The actually lockdown rules are pretty vague and this is a worry. We are in a position where we can’t actually venture out as there are cars along our road are parked on the pavement so if someone is coming along there is noway of self
distancing. So we have give up the idea of going for a walk. It’s like sad, but I am resigned to having to do this at the moment. The picture on the left was one produce for our What’s App and I love it. Kim Linsdell who produced it is one of the best alternative therapists we know (obviously she can’t practice at the moment). She is also vey spiritually aware.  
We are still hoping to reopen the Rainbow Healing Sanctuary in October when Les and Jacky Fuller are booked as we could police it enough to do social distancing there. If of course the weather is clement then there is always the garden whic would be ideal. So please remember we are hoping this will take place as are our regular members who will have priority on places.
I have been busy knitting hearts mainly for hospitals, but sadly I have had to knit some for friends who have been stricken with the virus. I will keep knitting for both and also for the project I started before the virus took hold and hopefully it won’t be too long until I can start redistributing them and even sending them to Spain, Mexico and Israel. Meanwhile everybody keep safe.

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