Seasons Greetings everyone. I do apologies for not having updated the blog in such an age, but there has been no news much to relate and we are hoping 2022 will bring better times. I am convinced when the year of the tiger comes roaring in it will send the virus packing.
We still haven’t got any workshops planned? but are continuing our Whats App group until such can be attained, but we will continue this group even after things return to being less somewhat chaotic.
It has made us even more aware with so many churches closing how much a sanctuary is needed as there are so many lonely people in the world who under these present circumstances have been totally isolated. As lots of their friends are safe guarding themselves, but some are completely alone. We would like to establish a sanctuary where there is a cafe they could come and met other people to make friend plus being able to buy an inexpensive nourishing meal. We would also like it to form some kind of club for them so as a couple of times during the year probably Yuletide and Easter make sure they had some kind of goodie bag plus something special for their birthdays.
We would like to run a combination of workshops which would include one of our others passions crafts. So many of the old crafts were dying and the one thing this pandemic has done is reintroduce these. So many are now knitting and crocheting. I am devising a mindfulness workshop where a craft can be taught plus being mindful into the bargain.
We have been continuing with our peace campaign by knitting hearts, worry worms and worry worm bookmarks and leaving them around as well as sending some to people on Facebook who are members of our support group as well as sending boxes of them to various friends so they can distribute them in their areas.
We have decided what we need is a sponsor who has the same ideas as us “make peace a reality. Well we can dream can’t we and sometimes dreams become realities.Keep safe and we hope you receive many blessings in 2022.