These images, paintings, prose and poems were inspired spiritually. Each is unique and are there for you to enjoy.
Monday, September 8, 2014
I would like to thank everyone who came to the workshop on colour and intuition at the Barkantine Hall last night. What a lovely energy was created by the participants and we are hoping to be able to have some more taster workshops there. I would also like to thank Eco Alkemy for her post on facebook
"Dear Pat, Daniel and all participants-human and spirit. Please accept my sincere appreciation of tonight’s special at The Island of Light, London E14 8JH. Your unique teaching methods are effective, thought provoking and evidently work (I’m sure all would agree). The room was filled with positive energy which I carried home-feeling much better than when I arrived. Consequentially, I feel more confident to begin a new chapter of spiritual development with you both, Barbara and all at The Barkantine. I do hope others-‘new and old’ will synchronize here & benefit from lovely evenings of spiritual enlightenment that will enable us to serve spirit, the higher self, humanity, the animal/natural kingdom & the community. These individual efforts make a huge difference to the planet & all that exists collectively-we are all responsible. With abundant appreciation, respect & warmest regards Eco Alkhemy.xx"
Incidentally this lady does some lovely textiles include esoteric subjects and I will be posting some pictures in a later post. Meanwhile if you are looking for something both educational and suitable for children or even adults let me recommend a book by Gary Northfield called Gary's Garden, which is full of delightful illustrations. Daniel and I used to work with Gary at an art shop in London many moons ago. I believe he is also doing workshops for children a budding Quentin Blake. I have posted pictures of the book an illustration done for my little man and also pictures of Gary at the book signing. Don't forget we are teaching at Woodford Church (www.woodfordchurch) on the 14th September "Co-Create with Spirit" 11 till 4. I would also like to recommend a workshop on the 13th September with a lady called Val Bickerstaff which is bound to be an excellent workshop. Val is an excellent teacher and I know anyone who attends this works more delhop will enjoy it. On Tuesday 16th September we will be working again at Woodford "Intuitive Ways with a Sketchbook" and hopefully we will have some more amazing pictures to show you in one of the following posts. We are also working at West Wickham Church soon - more details in our next post. I also would like to announce that we will be starting a new enterprise in October and wait for the event "Psychic Café" near you coming soon. You will be surprise where. Our first event is "Ribbon Reading" on 11th October and more details will be announced in our next post.
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